Safe Earwax Removal
The best method of removing earwax without going too deep into the ear canal is to use tools that stop you from doing too far in the ear canal.
The wide conic base of Smart Swab® (the original spiral ear cleaner) is specifically designed to discourage users from just that. It helps you to stop before going too deep and into the ear drum area that should not be reached for safe ear wax removal.
Safe Ear Wax Removal
The Spiral tips help capture the earwax and pull it out as opposed to other ear cleaning tools that push and impact ear wax deeper and reduce hearing.
[ts_testimonial columns=”2″ per_page=”2″ ids=”16759,16760″ is_slider=”0″]Make sure to get the original Smart Swab® from the brand owner NDProducts.com to avoid low-quality counterfeit and unregistered products. You can also find the original products at http://www.smartswab.com

Everything is perfect. I would recommend!
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