Ear Wax Types

Did you know that there are different types of ear wax ND Products Inc

What makes up ear wax?

Earwax, also called cerumen, is a naturally occurring protective substance in the body that plays a crucial role in our health. Produced by glands in the ear canal, earwax is an oily material meant to trap dust, protect the skin lining of the ear canal, and lower the risk of bacterial infection.

Keeping a healthy amount of earwax is crucial – the absence of earwax can lead to bacterial infections, while too much can compact, resulting in temporary hearing loss. If you experience this, please contact your nearby clinic to schedule an appointment for ear wax removal.

Ear wax colors and types

Bloody Ear wax

Bloody ear wax might not signal an emergency since the ear canal contains numerous blood vessels, and it could simply be a scratch.

However, it could also indicate a severe infection. For individuals with a perforated eardrum experiencing an infection, it could signal blood passing through from behind the eardrum.

Bloody ear wax could also result from ear trauma due to activities like scuba diving, leading to ruptured eardrums. If the issue continues or if there’s excessive bleeding, seek prompt medical attention.

Watery ear wax

Watery ear wax and/or discharge could indicate a “swimmer’s ear” infection, also known as otitis externa, which affects the outer ear canal. This type of infection is often triggered by water remaining in the ear after swimming. Other risk factors to consider include skin allergies, frequent cleaning of the ear canal with cotton buds, and the use of headphones and hearing aids.

Regardless of the cause, the warm and moist environment in the ear canal promotes bacterial growth, leading to an infection. Alongside discharge, early symptoms may include itching in the ear canal, slight redness, and mild pain, particularly when pressure is applied to the outer ear or the tragus. As the infection progresses, these symptoms can worsen, resulting in severe pain radiating to the face and neck, followed by swelling in the lymph nodes around the neck. Fevers may occur, along with potential complete blockage of the ear canal.

Soft, Yellow Ear Wax

Soft, yellow ear wax is the most common and healthiest type you’re likely to observe in your ears. When your wax is yellow and soft, it usually indicates that it’s new. This suggests healthy ear wax production since it does not harden excessively before naturally shedding.

Firm, Brown Ear Wax

If your ear wax is a darker yellow or brownish color, it indicates older wax that may have hardened. You’ll notice that the texture isn’t as soft as a fresher, healthier wax. If you observe this colored wax and experience wax-related symptoms, it could signify an impaction, and you should have your ears examined by a professional.

Green Ear Wax

Green ear wax discharge typically indicates a significant ear infection, often originating from the middle ear. It’s advisable to seek medical advice, as treatment usually involves a course of antibiotics to address the infection.

Flaky, Pale Ear Wax

Flaky and pale ear wax indicates a healthy self-cleaning process occurring in your ear. As earwax moves toward the outer third of the ear canal and mixes with shedding skin, it tends to become flaky and pale. This type of wax is nothing to worry about.

Smelly Ear Wax

If your ear wax has an odor, it could be a cause for concern as it may indicate an infection. Certain types of bacteria can produce a foul smell, resulting in malodorous ear wax. If left untreated, a severe ear infection can lead to damage in the middle ear. Therefore, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly.

Black Ear Wax

Black can be another typical color of earwax. However, if this is your normal, it could be due to oxidation when the wax interacts with air or a mixture of dirt and earwax. If you suspect it is blood, immediately seek medical attention.

Runny or Liquid Ear Wax

Liquid ear wax, also known as runny ear wax, differs from wet ear wax, and it’s important not to confuse the two. Runny ear wax may occur after diving or swimming when the wax mixes with water. However, there may be a more significant underlying issue. This might be due to a middle ear infection, a ruptured eardrum, damage in your ear canal, or even a skull fracture. If you’re concerned, seek medical advice.

Blood-Tinged Ear Wax

If you observe blood in your ear wax, it’s usually a sign of some form of ear injury. This could include a scratched ear canal, a cut inside the outer ear, or more serious ear trauma. Always seek medical attention if you notice blood in your ears.

Earwax build up prevention and treatment

At times, you might notice cloudy earwax with a runny texture, possibly accompanied by an offensive smell. You might also experience symptoms like pain, itching, or discomfort within the ear. If you’re dealing with these symptoms, the runny, cloudy substance is likely not wax but rather a fluid linked to a bacterial or fungal infection, which may necessitate treatment with prescription ear drops. Keep the ear dry and consult a healthcare professional.

Occasionally, foreign objects can become lodged in the ear canal. If you notice anything unusual in your ear wax, it’s wise to consult a doctor, as any debris inside the ear may require professional removal. Remember, attempting to remove foreign objects from your ears using your fingers, cotton swabs, or other methods can be risky and cause serious damage.


In conclusion, at ND Products Inc., we offer innovative solutions for managing excessive ear wax. Our products and methods are designed to help you maintain healthy ears with an effective and safe ear wax removal kit. Explore our range of ear care products today to find the perfect solution for your ear care needs!